Sex and Relationships
Sex and relationships Information for people living with motor neurone disease This information sheet offers suggestions to concerns you might have about sex and intimacy when living with MND, whether or not you are in a relationship. It includes the following sections: 1: How might MND affect sex and intimacy? 2: How can sex and intimacy be maintained? 3: Are there other ways we can be close? 4: How can my sexual needs be met if I don’t have a partner? 5: Where can I get support if I have experienced sexual violence or abuse? 6: How do I find out more? When used, the term ‘partner’ refers to anyone with whom you have a sexual relationship. This symbol is used to highlight our other publications. To find out how to access these, see Further information at the end of this sheet. This symbol is used to highlight quotes from other people with or affected by MND. The MND Association has been certified as a producer of reliable health and social care information. 1: How might MND ...